I’m writing this to support Renee Courtemanche in her bid for Lewiston’s School Committee, representing Ward 1.

As a current school committee member, I see huge potential in her ability to effectuate positive change for Lewiston’s school district. Through her involvements with PTOs, and through her advocacy as a parent of two children who attend Lewiston schools, she has excellent experience that will serve as an asset to the next committee.

Courtemanche understands the big issues the schools face, and she actively seeks out input and advice on the things of which she is not familiar. She attends school committee meetings regularly and sends input to those of us on the committee, which helps us to gain a better context of the challenges in our district.

When our district tackles some pretty big issues in the years ahead, we will be lucky to have Renee Courtemanche at the table.

Luke Jensen, Lewiston

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