Renee Courtemanche was born and raised in Lewiston and chose to come back to Lewiston after nursing school to live, work and raise her family.

She is very dedicated to her children’s education. Beyond her countless hours as an active PTO member at Geiger Elementary, she has become very concerned about high teacher turnover, class sizes and unnecessary initiatives that have had a negative impact on teachers and students in all Lewiston Schools.

She is not a politician. She is a mom who wants Lewiston schools to succeed.

She is running for the Lewiston School Committee for all the right reasons. She is not afraid to ask the hard questions. She is eager to listen, learn and make a positive difference for all students in this reform-heavy education climate.

For those reasons and many more, Renee Courtemanche has my full support for the Lewiston School Committee, Ward 1.

Karen McClure-Richard, Lewiston

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