Where and when is it OK to protest racial injustice? In the 1950s and ’60s, southerners didn’t like the marches, sit-ins, sitting in the front of the bus, black people registering to vote, or white people coming from the north to help the fight against racial injustice.

Recently, many have complained when people protested against black people being killed for wearing a hoodie, having a broken tail light, selling cigarettes illegally, or being a child playing with a toy gun.

Colin Kaepernick began his peaceful protest of racial injustice and police mistreatment of black people in America last year by sitting on the bench during the national anthem. A green beret suggested to him he could bring more attention by kneeling, which is a sign of respect for a fallen comrade.

Disrespect for the flag is insulting a Gold Star family; insulting John McCain for being a POW; or saying America is morally equivalent to Russia. Disrespect is not promptly calling out neo-Nazis and those who wave the confederate flag — a symbol of tearing apart this nation — when they marched in Charlottesville. Disrespect is when the leader of this nation does everything he can to divide the nation instead of offering words and actions to bring people together.

The message of the protesters has been twisted by some to make it about the flag instead of their message to talk about racial injustice.

If this peaceful protest is not acceptable, what form and time is?

Stan Tetenman, Poland

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