I love Greenwood and have owned a home on Twitchell Pond for 30 years. I enjoy the scenic drive down Greenwood Road, past the picturesque ponds and enjoy hiking Maggie’s Trail with the majestic vistas. I spend hours on my dock looking at the beautiful mountains and spectacular sunsets to the west. That is all in danger of being destroyed because a Texas company is proposing 600-foot wind turbines for the ridgeline adjacent to Twitchell Pond.

I strongly oppose that project, due to the negative impact those turbines will have on this picturesque town. Thirteen or more 600-foot wind turbines, each 45 feet taller than the Washington Monument, will permanently ruin the vistas and forever alter the character of Greenwood, along with opening the door for other wind power companies to do additional damage to the town.

Besides causing permanent destruction of the ridgeline and vistas, they will ruin the dark/night sky I currently enjoy, the quiet rural setting and have serious negative economic impacts on property values and tourism. Studies of wind turbine installations worldwide have shown wind turbine audible noise and infrasound is often very deleterious to a person’s health as well as that of domesticated animals and wildlife.

With the potential for so many negative impacts on the residents of Greenwood, I strongly encourage Greenwood to pass preferably a resolution that no wind farms be permitted in Greenwood, or that an exceedingly restrictive wind turbine ordinance is put into place that will discourage turbine companies.

Cathy Crowley, Greenwood

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