100 years ago, 1917
At the annual meetings of the mill corporations in Lewiston yesterday reports for the past year showed that an unusually good business had been done and that the outlook for continued prosperity is excellent. It was pointed out that during the past year the price of raw materials has greatly advanced and also that wages had been increased. Difficulty has been and is now being experienced in getting a sufficient amount of good help. The demands and high wages which have prevailed generally have taken many people from the mills.

50 years ago, 1967
The sixth grade pupils of Room 1 at the Pettingill School are starting a newspaper, The Pettingill Press, and already the first issue has been published. Mrs. Sheila Bedwell, the teacher, is coordinating the project and Peter Conley has been named as editor. It is planned to have the paper published once a month and all students in Room 1 will act as reporters at least twice throughout the school year. Reporters for the first edition included Cindy Clark, Pamela Langelier, Debra Lebourdais, Ramona Lemieux, Andre Gauthier, Priscilla Hoy, Nancy Jones, Nancy Lever and Mary Russell.

25 years ago, 1992
(Photo Caption) Pfc. Larry E. Grenier of Sabattus prepares a lighting fixture for installation at Nuevo San Juan Medical Clinic in Panama, and Sgt. Anthony N. Dubois of Lewiston uses a hammer and chisel to cut cement blocks for another project there. The men are members of the 2nd General Construction Platoon made up of members of the 133rd and 262nd Engineer battalions that recently completed 15 days of annual training in Panama.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be corrected.

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