Buckfield Board of Selectmen

Buckfield Town Office

June 20, 2017

Interim town manager

What happened: Without having another interim town manager in place yet, selectmen voted to hire outgoing Town Manager Cindy Dunn as interim town manager.

What it means: Dunn – who is also town clerk – resigned in March as of Friday, June 30, when her contract expires. On Tuesday, selectmen went into executive session to discuss hiring her as interim town manager. She will serve in that capacity from Saturday, July 1, through Sunday, July 30. She will paid $500 a week for these services, on top of her town clerk salary.


What’s next: Selectmen will continue interviewing interim town manager candidates Wednesday, June 21. Once Dunn is finished as interim town manager, she will remain as town clerk.

Lightning strike

What happened: Dunn informed selectmen about the costs associated with fixing the damage from the lightning strike at the Municipal Center and Fire-Rescue Station.

What it means: Thus far, repairs and replacements cost $13,615, with Dunn estimating the total between $16,000 and $20,000. Selectmen asked Dunn to research surge protectors, which are $425 for each panel and once they’re hit with lightning, they would need to be replaced. During a storm in May, lightning struck both buildings and electricity traveled through wires, frying many electronics along with the security system at the Municipal Center and alarm and communications systems at the Fire-Rescue Station.

What’s next: Selectmen voted to allow Dunn to see if there is $425 in the Fire Department, Rescue Department and Municipal Center’s budget for the surge protectors and if so, she will have them installed at the Municipal Center and Fire-Rescue Station.

Kiosk/signs proposals


What happened: Selectmen voted to allow members of the Economic Development Committee to move forward with their proposal for a town kiosk and new town signs, with a budget not to exceed $3,500.

What it means: The kiosk would be centrally located at the Municipal Center green and sponsored by local businesses. The proposal for the three-sided structure includes a town map and a spot for trifold brochures designating recreational trails, water access, businesses and other landmarks. The signs are proposed for two on Route 117, one on Route 124 and one on Route 140 near the Transfer Station. The proposal from Swett Signs is $3,000 for two-sided signs and doesn’t include installation costs. The committee has a general ledger account with roughly $6,000 in it.

What’s next: There could be printing costs down the road but committee members want to try to absorb the cost. Dunn advised committee members to get in touch with the state Department of Transportation to make sure they meet the setbacks for state roads.

Cable franchise renewal

What happened: Selectmen voted to not join a cable TV consortium with other area towns.

What it means: Selectman Mike Iveson and members of the Economic Development Committee gave an update about the June 15 meeting in Minot with Mike Edgecomb of Seawall Co. regarding forming a consortium for franchise renewal. To form a consortium, a minimum of three towns are needed, 14 have been approached, and each has to pay $5,000. Iveson and some committee members didn’t think joining the consortium was worth the money.


What’s next: Committee members will continue to research the issue and compare the current franchise contract and the proposed contract from Spectrum, formerly Time Warner.

Selectmen meeting

What happened: Selectmen voted to move their July 4 meeting to the following week because of the holiday.

What it means: The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 11, at the Municipal Center, 34 Turner St.


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