LIVERMORE FALLS – Letters requesting donations to provide fuel assistance for people in Jay, Livermore and Livermore Falls were expected to be sent out last week.

Initially, the Good Neighbor Tri-Town Fuel Fund was established by a group of people in the area to provide fuel assistance to the displaced workers whose jobs were eliminated recently at Wausau Paper, organizer Louise Chabot said.

The group later decided to include everyone in the tri-town area who qualifies for assistance due to the economic situation that faces the nation and the increased need for assistance, she said.

The program is running under the umbrella of Tri-Town Ministerial Association, a charitable organization in Livermore Falls, Chabot said. Funds will be administered through Western Maine Community Action.

People requiring assistance would contact Western Maine Community Action in Wilton at 207-645-3674, which will then administer the funds and purchase the fuel. Federal and state funds would be used first and the local fund would be dispersed as needed, even if individuals did not meet the federal guidelines for heating programs, Chabot said.

Chabot, chairwoman of the Livermore Falls Board of Selectmen, explained the program to fellow board members Monday during public session.

Not only are organizers looking for donations, she said, they are looking for workers to help with the program.

Donations may be directed to the towns of Jay, Livermore and Livermore Falls, or to specific groups such as the displaced Wausau workers, she said. Donors may also choose to allow the funds to be used where needed.

Any size donation would be appreciated, she said.

She also plans to seek grants to help with the program.

For more information contact Chabot at 897-3851 or by e-mail,, or Paul Gilbert at 897-5143 or

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