RUMFORD — The Board of Selectmen voted 3-2 Wednesday to deny a second citizen petition asking for a special town meeting to enact a six-month moratorium on extracting large amounts of water from town wells.

It’s the second time in 15 days the board has rejected the petition. Both times, the board said it didn’t meet the criteria for a “critical circumstance” necessary for a special town meeting, according to town charter. 

Poland Spring Water Co. has proposed a 15- to 20-year contract with the Rumford Water District for Poland Spring to draw up to 150 million gallons a year from two new wells on district property off Route 5. In exchange, Poland Spring could pay the district more than $400,000 in annual lease and water payments.

On Wednesday, some 20 residents and trustees of the Water District discussed the latest petition, which was presented to selectmen Jan. 19 by Len Greaney of Protect Rumford Water Alliance.

A seven-page legal review by Kendall A. Ricker of Boothby Perry LLC of Turner was read by board Chairman Jeff Sterling. It concluded that the petition, besides not meeting the “critical circumstance, also did not meet moratorium criteria.

Despite that, Selectmen Mark Belanger and Jim Windover motioned to approve the petition. Belanger said residents have not had the opportunity to weigh in on a proposed agreement between the Water District and Nestle Waters North America, parent company of Poland Spring Water Co. in Poland.


“In a democracy, they should be able to weigh in on that,” Belanger said.

According to Water District’s charter, trustees have sole authority to make such agreements. If there is an agreement, a public hearing would be held.

“If there was an ordinance proposed to the citizenry of Rumford, would you hold off signing your contract until after the (annual town meeting in June?)” Selectman Peter Chase asked trustees.

Trustee Chairman Jim Thibodeau said, “I would dare say that what’s happening so far, and I’m saying a contract between Nestle and the board of trustees with the Water District, is not going to happen in the near future.”

“Is it safe to say that the June town meeting will take place prior to you signing a contract?” Chase asked.

Thibodeau responded, “I can’t answer that, honestly speaking, because we haven’t discussed anything.”


Walter Buotte of Protect Rumford Water Alliance said, “Why not make that commitment?”

“I can’t make that commitment, as a chairman,” Thibodeau said.

“If we waited until town meeting, I feel safe we would have a chance to vote on an ordinance in June town meeting prior to them signing a contract,” Chase said. “I believe Mr. Thibodeau. I trust the board of trustees and I think the June town meeting would give us the opportunity we need to voice the opinion of the people and make our vote at the polls. That’s my opinion.”

In response to a question about the trustees’ vote Jan. 4 to begin negotiating with Poland Spring, the presentation of a draft agreement March 1, holding a hearing April 5 and taking action on a final agreement May 3, Thibodeau said it was “a wish list.”

Town Manager John Madigan said 451 signatures are required to overturn Wednesday’s board vote.

Greaney indicated the Protect Rumford Water Alliance’s new mission will be twofold:

• Collect 451 valid signatures to overturn Wednesday’s vote; and

• Present an ordinance limiting large amounts of water from being extracted from town wells at the Feb. 16 public hearing on ordinance requests and town charter amendments.

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