The Affordable Care Act is in danger in Washington.

The ACA isn’t perfect, but some provisions are life-saving for Mainers, who would otherwise be without health insurance and those with pre-existing conditions.

The ACA is important to my health and my future coverage. I’m under 26; the ACA allows me to stay on my parents’ insurance. Because of that, I know I won’t be without insurance when I graduate from college next year. It could be difficult to find a job with health benefits right after graduation. With the ACA, I would be able to stay on my parents’ health insurance while I get on my feet at work and pay back my student loans. The ACA requires contraceptive coverage with no co-pay. This provision is important for the health of many women, myself included.

Though my family members have a range of political views, everyone in my family has always been impressed with Sen. Susan Collins’ work on behalf of Mainers. She is known for not letting partisan politics get in the way of doing what is best for Mainers.

Thousands of Mainer could be without coverage if Sen. Collins doesn’t act.

I’m glad Sen. Collins is thinking about a replacement, but it should preserve the ACA’s provisions for all states. I urge her to refuse repeal without first finding a replacement that includes these vital pieces for all states. To settle for less would be irresponsible and would threaten lives of Mainers.

Emily Manter, Lewiston

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