It’s the most wonderful time of the year. For many nonprofits, this is the time of year that matters the most and will help them accomplish their missions and ensure sustainability for the next 12 months.

It’s uncomfortable to ask people to give their hard-earned money. I was raised with the understanding that if you want something, you work for it. In the nonprofit world there is plenty of work being done but without financial gain. The value is in the connections with people and the services provided.

The Salvation Army’s red kettle is an iconic image. The kettle isn’t just for collecting money. It represents the substantial hours and resources devoted to meeting needs in the community.

A film festival is a place a teenager can say, “I am different and haven’t felt like I fit in, but now I know I have a place where I belong.”

Whether it’s art programs or feeding the hungry, nonprofits depend on the generosity of people and businesses in the community. We are grateful for everyone who gets involved and for everyone who gives. We know we can’t do this without people who care.

It’s not about being rich or poor — everyone has something to share. This year, let’s come together as a community and give.

Whether it is caring for kids, supporting the arts or cancer care, I hope this season that people will be blessed by giving. There’s no limit to what people can accomplish with a little help and inspiration.

Ramsey Tripp, Lewiston, co-founder and president, Emerge Film Festival

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