Several people called to say that last week’s Mystery Photo was of the statue just off Campus Avenue in Lewiston in a small courtyard next to St Mary’s Residences, formerly known as St. Marguerite d’Youville Pavilion. The winner, Sister Lorraine Pomerleau, recognized it immediately since “I can see it out my window,” she said. One caller, Marguerite Stapleton of Minot, gave the background on the marble statue. During her 15-year tenure at St. Mary’s, she was on a committee commissioned by the hospital president at the time, Jim Cassidy, who wanted to honor all the Sisters of Charity who did so much for local residents and others all over the world. After a search with the Maine Arts Commission in the late 1990s, the group agreed that the vision and prototype from Damariscotta artist Carol Hanson fit best. The marble sculpture depicts a nondescript nun that has characteristics of many races and nationalities that represents and honors all Sisters of Charity throughout the world. Pomerleau is the winner of a $20 gift card, courtesy of Hannaford Supermarkets.

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