FARMINGTON — A Franklin County justice Wednesday reduced bail to $80,000 worth of real estate for a Wilton man accused of shooting to death a New Sharon man on June 1 in Wilton.

Defense attorneys Sarah Glynn and Jeffrey Wilson filed a motion to amend the bail for 25-year-old Timothy Danforth. He was indicted Aug. 18 on a charge of intentional and knowing murder of Michael Reis, 24, outside of Danforth’s father’s house.

Justice William Stokes set Danforth’s bail at $150,000 cash with a Maine pretrial contract in September.

Wilson said a family friend of Danforth, Kathy Crockett, is willing to put up her Wilton residence as surety bail. The property was previously appraised at $80,000.

Assistant Attorney General Robert “Bud” Ellis said the state wanted to stay with $150,000 cash bail and a Maine pretrial contract. A conviction on the charge involves a minimum sentence of 25 years, he said. The state did not ask that Danforth be held without bail, which often happens in these types of cases, he said.

Ellis had previously said that Reis was shot at close range three times. Police previously said that it appeared that Reis was among a group of people who went to Danforth’s father’s residence on Weld Road, and got into a confrontation with Danforth and his father, who lived at the residence. Reis’ friends got him into a vehicle and took him to a Farmington hospital, where he was pronounced dead.


“It is my understanding the defendant cannot raise $150,000 cash,” Stokes said in Franklin County Superior Court. He had met with attorneys in chambers prior to coming into the courtroom.

Stokes said he also understands that at this time, that Maine Pretrial Services has not agreed to take Danforth into the program, he said.

Wilson said one of the facts of the case is there is a strong self-defense argument.

Danforth grew up in Wilton and several members of his family live there. He earned his high school equivalency diploma and had been working at a good job prior to his arrest, he said.

Danforth has been cooperative with police and gave statements, Wilson said.

“He would like to live with his brother, Dakota Danforth,” Wilson said. The residence is within vision of a police department, he said.


No alcohol or firearms are at the residence, he said.

Crockett “is confident that Mr. Danforth will not commit a violation or flee,” Wilson said.

Dakota Danforth and his wife both have full-time jobs, he said.

Stokes said he read the affidavits filed in the case and understands that self-defense will be brought up.

He anticipates that the earliest the case will go to trial is in September 2017. Ellis has another murder trial in September and if it moves forward, a trial for Danforth would be in December 2017.

Stokes said he is concerned about Danforth and the subject of pretrial bail and the amount needed to make it and him not being able to raise it. In effect, it is holding him without bail, he said.


Stokes warned Crockett that if she puts up her residence and Danforth violates bail or flees, the state could come after her property.

He told Dakota Danforth that he will mandate his brother to reside at Dakota’s residence. Timothy Danforth will have to be there. If he changes his address, Dakota needs to alert the court, Stokes said.

“You are, in essence, my eyes and ears,” he said.

Release conditions include no contact with several people, including the family of the victim. He was also ordered to not use or possess alcohol, illegal drugs or dangerous weapons.

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