Age (on Election Day): 58

Party affiliation: Republican

Occupation: Business owner

Community organizations:

Turner firefighter, 35 years; member, Planning Board; vice chairman, Board of Selectmen; Kora Shrine, Nezinscot Lodge; Turner Ridge Riders

Hobbies, activities etc.:


Golfing, fishing and hunting. I also enjoy snowmobiling and flying, I’ve been a pilot for more than 30 years. My greatest enjoyment comes from traveling and spending time with my wife and grandchildren.

Family status: Married to Jolene; one child, 2 grandchildren

Years in Legislature: 6

Clean Election candidate? No

Committee assignments wanted:

Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Appropriations and Financial Affairs


What is the most pressing problem in your district and what do you plan to do about it?

The most pressing issue facing my district and the state of Maine is government. Over-regulation and over-taxation is killing our state’s economy and scaring away potential business and job growth. I plan to fight to make government less intrusive, lower the tax burden and attract good paying jobs to Maine.

Gov. Paul LePage wants to eliminate the state income tax. Do you support that? If not, why not?

Yes. Gov. LePage is right. We need to get the income tax rate below 5 percent to compete regionally and nationally. In New Hampshire there is no income tax; Massachusetts it’s 5 percent and, here in Maine, after the two largest income tax cuts in state history, we are still at 7.15 percent.

Are you willing to support raising the fuel tax to fix Maine roads? If not, why not?

No. Raising the fuel tax would hurt those living on a low or fixed income. Instead of raising taxes on the most vulnerable, why don’t we find a way to make sure that people who drive hybrid and electric cars pay their “fair share.”


The relationship between the governor and the Legislature has deteriorated over the past six years. What can the Legislature do to improve that relationship?

The Legislature should borrow a phrase from the New England Patriots and “do your job.” Which is to pass good public policy that helps the people of Maine. Some people serving in the Legislature need to stop whining about the governor just do their job!!

What methods do you support to reduce opiate addiction in Maine?

There is no simple answer. If anyone has the simple answer to solving this crisis I’m all ears. We need to prevent doctors from over-prescribing pain killers; more enforcement/treatment. We should not be throwing addicts in jail, but the traffickers, I say lock them up and throw away the key.

How are you voting on the referendum questions?

Question 1: No
Question 2: No
Question 3: No
Question 4: No
Question 5: No

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