Joanna Said has my highest endorsement for register of probate of Androscoggin County.

Having known her for 10 years, I know her to be a dedicated wife and mother who truly devotes 100 percent to each phase of her life, including family, spiritual life and career.

I have noticed the love and attention she pours on her family.

She is often called on to serve in many capacities in her house of worship.

A highly respected member of the community she has lived most of her life in this county. She was appointed by Gov. LePage to fill the unexpired term of the register of probate in 2014. By all accounts, she performed in a most efficient manner.

Her ability to put people at ease with her compassionate manner is a strength in this highly stressful and emotional time for those who have lost loved ones.

I support Joanna Dow Said.

Al Menard, Livermore

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