Congressman Bruce Poliquin is a first-class individual. He has worked tirelessly to serve the people of the Second Congressional District.

His opponent, Emily Cain, identifies with the tax-and-spend liberal Democrat party. Her ads against Rep. Poliquin are false and misleading.

When Poliquin was state treasurer in 2010, he and Gov. Paul LePage found a large, unpaid debt to the state’s hospitals and an unfunded gap in the state employees’ and teachers’ retirement funds. They insisted on paying those debts and did.

The Democrats had been in control for several years before that and had not bothered with it.

Maine’s taxpayers should be grateful for those Maine Republicans acting responsibly.

In Congress, Bruce Poliquin has acted prudently with the best interests of Maine and the United States in focus. He deserves to be re-elected.

Thomas Shields, Auburn

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