100 years ago, 1916
Game Warden Frank Kane of Lewiston recently found two hounds running a deer in the burnt woods of Turner. They had pulled down one small deer and killed it. Mr. Kane captured the dogs, and had them disposed of as the law directs. Hunting of deer in Androscoggin county is restricted to the month of November.

50 years ago, 1966
(Photo Caption) This is part of the large crowd of visitors at the Poland Spring Job Corps Training Center for Women Sunday afternoon. The open house attracted an estimated 1,000 people, despite very rainy weather. Here, the visitors await buses at the fire house on the Poland Spring grounds. They were guided through several buildings at the center by young corpswomen who explained the function of the center and the setup of the classes.

25 years ago, 1991
When President Bush arrives in his helicopter Tuesday morning, he’ll be greeted by a welcoming sign from a local family. “You won’t be able to see it, except from the air,” said Lori Beaulieu of 94 Cumberland Street, Lewiston. “It’s going to be up on the roof of our house, right where he can’t miss it when he flies in.” The sign will be 30 feet long and will say, “Welcome Mr. Bush from Steve’s Signs.” “It’s made of paper, so we’re not going to put it up until about quarter of seven, because we don’t want the dew to wet it,” Mrs. Beaulieu said. “My husband painted it. He’s a sign painter.” “We got the idea yesterday when we went over to my brother’s, and my nephew was all excited because the test flight had come right over. He said it was so close he thought the helicopter was going to hit the house. So we thought we’d do something to welcome him,” she said.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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