Clearly, it’s time for a truckload of kittens.

At least in the metaphorical sense.

As summer draws to a close (did I get to the beach enough?) and the kids head back to school (did I write their initials on everything?) and political tension boils over (have I left any fire and brimstone voice mails lately?), it’s time to take a deep breath.


Pet that faux-fur vest at TJ Maxx and feel those tensions melting away.




This week, let’s be good. Let’s do good. Let’s buy good.

* “The Little Book of Letting Go” by Hugh Prather, Goodwill, $2

It’s a 30-day, self-help how-to that includes advice on how to “identify and release ‘mental toxins,'” which sounds pretty darn lovely. I mean, the releasing part. And it’s only going to cost me $2 to find out what that even means!

And it’s good because: Among other things, Goodwill’s programs help people pick up needed job skills. So you’re helping and you’re releasing mental whatevers. Win-win!

* Classic whoopie pie, Labadie’s Bakery, $1.35 each/$12.50 for a dozen


Labadie’s website claims it’s the home of the “original Maine whoopie pie,” having baked them since 1925. Bag Lady can claim with full authority that I ate one last week and its filling was so light, fluffy and sweet that I’m still salivating at the memory.

And it’s good because: Really, I don’t need to draw you a map on this one. It’s good because it’s GOOD. ‘Nuf said. Well, OK, also you’re buying local, as if you needed more to make the case.

* Slipper Genie, TJ Maxx, $3.99

It’s a super-soft chenille slipper with floppy, inch-long chenille shag covering the entire bottom of the sole to be worn for dusting. Like, you specifically wear these, walk around and dust the floor with your feet. The I-couldn’t-make-this-up disclaimers include “can be slippery.”

And it’s good because: Does sheer hilarity count? Does the look on your mom’s face when you gift her these count? In Bag Lady’s book, it totally does. Also, these sell on for more than $10. So it’s hilarity at 60 percent off.

* Notes to Self, TJ Maxx, $2.99


These 75 pages are half blank to leave yourself notes and half tearable to-do list. Designs include florals, a cute fox or a little dog riding a Vespa while wearing a scarf. I’ll say that again, a little dog riding a Vespa while wearing a scarf. A-dorable.

And it’s good because: Bag Lady is a big list person. If it’s on a list, I’m officially released from having to remember specific details. We need eight things at the grocery store? Done. I need to call the vet in the next day? Done. I need Mr. Bag Lady to check the oil tank and call in an order if it’s under a quarter-tank? Done and done.

* New purse or tote, Salvation Army, $1.99-$5.99

They have a super cute array from shiny black pleather to a floral insulated lunch tote to kinda-sorta macrame. In a good way. Change it up for fall on the cheap.

And it’s good because: From disaster relief to adult rehabilitation, Salvation Army’s mission is lending a helping hand. So it’s not just a new purse, it’s … well, no, it is just a new purse to you, but it’s more than that in the big picture.

Become a Greater Androscoggin Humane Society volunteer, $25 (the fee covers a background check)


Kittens, in the literal sense!

Pet a cat. Pet a dog. Whistle along with one of five adoptable birds named after Disney princesses. (You think I jest?)

And it’s good because: You’re spending time with abandoned animals, making them more comfortable, demonstrating compassion and giving them the hope of being loved and homed someday.

Pet, relax, repeat. It’s a good slam-dunk after the week we’ve had.

Bag Lady’s true identity is protected by a pair of stylish, sweater-wearing Doberman pinschers (who support ear rubs 12 times a day) and the Customer Service counter at the Sun Journal. You can reach her at

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