Recently, I watched in horror as Donald Trump yanked out of his pants pocket what was supposed to be an authentic Purple Heart. He said it was real, but he certainly didn’t earn it.

What is more offensive? The fact that it was misrepresented or that he pulled it out of his pants pocket like so much small change, making a joke?

A grieving Khizr Khan had the decency to hold in his breast pocket a copy of the U.S. Constitution. Trump must have thought the Purple Heart was unworthy of being near his heart. I question if he even has a heart.

Maine will soon be honored with Gov. Paul LePage holding his own misguided heart up in praise and adoration of that madman.

Grieving and all U.S. families will not be fooled. Lines have been drawn/crossed in our collective broken hearts.

Anthony Esposito, Auburn

Editor’s note: During a GOP campaign event in Virginia on Aug. 2, retired Army Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman handed Donald Trump his Purple Heart in a gesture of support and confidence. Dorfman earned the Purple Heart while serving in Iraq.

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