BRUNSWICK — The Northeast Chapter of Destroyer Escort Sailors Association held its spring meeting April 11 at Bowdoin College Campus.

The group had a guided tour of the Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum in Hubbard Hall. A question-and-answer period followed. Each section was explained by the guide.

Members and guests attended a buffet at China Rose Restaurant in the Captain’s Room. A blessing was given by Normand Demers followed by a brief business meeting, after which the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Maurice Poirier and his wife, Peggy, of Lewiston were welcomed as new member and guest. Also recognized was Normand Demers, who turned 90 in March, former commander and co-founder of the chartered DESA, Northeast Chapter. The chapter was chartered Oct. 18, 1996.

It was noted that in attendance were Demer’s wife, Lauretta, daughter, Sara, granddaughter, Louise, and great-grandson, Cole, making a milestone of four generations in attendance.

Co-founder John Cody and his wife, Irene, have been involved in DESA since its inception. Cody was secretary/treasurer and Demers was commander. They were at the helm for over 18 years. Cody, 92, has been in declining health and resides in a nursing home in Lewiston.

The Northeast Chapter of DESA continues to grow with members who have served aboard 1000 class fast frigates. Anyone interested in joining the chapter should contact BTC John T. Dube USN-Retired, commander of the Northeast Chapter.

FMI: 207-897-5335,

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