Lewiston Mayor Bob Macdonald recently stated that more than 100 buildings have been demolished in Lewiston and makes it sound like he is proud of that accomplishment. When you give people who never had to pay for anything a decent place to live, there is no respect for the building, or the landlord. All this does is allow those who ruin those buildings to destroy more.

Great strategy. I don’t blame the landlords for walking away.

I don’t think Lewiston’s demolition duo of Tom Maynard and Gil Arsenault care about the residents of this city. They bring their fat paycheck to another town. I am sure they don’t have to pay an outrageous tax rate.

Add in all the buildings the hospitals and Bates College raze and there’s no relief to Lewiston’s taxpayers in sight.

A friend of mine moved to Sabattus. He said nothing is free in Sabattus. His water bill was only $43 for three months. Lewiston residents just had another increase. We have to pay for many hours of overtime that I don’t believe can be honestly justified.

Bob Pelletier, Lewiston

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