Many American Christians are decent, peace-loving people, trying to live by Jesus’ teachings. But there are other Christians who are angry, judgmental and openly hostile toward non-whites and people with different beliefs.

Everyone must obey state and federal laws, but religious beliefs are not laws. Freedom of religion means that people can have different beliefs, and members of one religion should not force their beliefs on others.

If a religion forbids same-sex marriage, believers should never be forced to marry a person of the same sex; but religious freedom means that believers should not interfere with strangers’ marriages.

Abortion has been a normal, legal part of American life since 1973. No woman should be forced to have an abortion or be prevented from having one because of someone else’s religious beliefs.

Christian employers should not refuse employees normal health insurance coverage for a benefit such as birth control. That refusal imposes the owner’s religious beliefs on workers.

Businesses open to the general public should serve all the public. How is refusing to serve a customer because of sexual orientation different from refusing to serve an African-American because of race?

According to Pew Research, more young people are labeling themselves “unaffiliated” when asked their religion. Perhaps one reason for declining church membership is that Americans are tired that many fundamentalist churches promote religious prejudice, express intolerance of anyone different, preach extreme right-wing politics while receiving a religious tax exemption and (strangely) support Donald Trump, who I believe is a totally immoral person.

Ellen Field, New Gloucester

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