A decade ago, Emily Flynn took to the stage at Community Little Theatre in Auburn and transformed into Belle, the smart, independent heroine who falls in love with a prince-turned-beast in Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast.”

It was a dream role for the then-26-year-old, who had fallen in love with the animated movie and its music as a kid.

Later this month she’ll get to relive that dream.

From Aug. 19 to 28, Flynn, now 37, will reprise her role in CLT’s latest production of “Beauty and the Beast.” It’s an unusual feat for a CLT actor or actress to play the same character twice, with a decade in between, but Flynn is ready to go.

Once she learn her lines again.  

Name: Emily Flynn


Age: 37

Married/single/relationship: Married

Town: Portland area

Job: Stay-at-home mom/music teacher

What got you interested in acting? I wasn’t actually in a play until my freshman year of high school, but I fell in love with musical theater when I was little. My mother loved musicals and would watch all of the old classics on TV. I was so dazzled by the music and the actors, I knew it was something I wanted to be part of.

How old were you when you first played Belle? 26


Were you a big “Beauty and the Beast” fan growing up? Yes! I remember seeing the cartoon at the movie theater when I was in middle school. I was so taken with the big opening number in the village and that beautiful music. It was like seeing an animated Broadway show.

What was it like playing Belle for the first time? It was a thrill! At the time, playing Belle was at the top of my wish list, so I was beyond happy to have the opportunity. It was my first CLT show, and I felt instantly at home with the CLT community. I also found out I was expecting my first child while working on that show. Despite the morning sickness, it was a really happy time for me.

Why try out for Belle again? I love the part, and I was also excited about the team. Richard Martin is directing, Paul Caron is music directing, Vincent Ratsavong is the assistant director and choreographer, and Jenn Fox is creating the costumes. Richard directed “Beauty and the Beast” in 2005, and I worked with Vincent and Jenn on” Into the Woods” in 2015. I was anxious to work with all of them again!

What makes this production different? Everything about it is different. Different cast, different set, different costumes, new choreography, new technology. Anyone who saw it in 2005 will see a completely different production this time around. We were proud of what we did in 2005, but I think everyone’s goal is to bring it up a level.

Think you still remember your lines? Nope. But I am picking them up a lot faster this time around.

Will you play opposite a new Beast? Yes. Jason Bray played the Beast in 2005, and Chip Groover will play the Beast in this production.


Best part of playing Belle? For me, it is the music. The score is beautiful.

Most challenging part of playing Belle? Making the audience love her as much as I do. That and the costume changes. Belle has some fast costume changes.

How fast? The fastest one is probably about one minute.

How much rehearsal/preparation is there for production? It is a three-month rehearsal schedule. We started rehearsing at the end of May and the show starts running the last two weekends in August. We rehearse about five times a week, give or take.

Dream role? Oh my gosh, so many! Mostly the classics. Eliza from “My Fair Lady” and Amalia from “She Loves Me” would be big ones.

Favorite Disney movie? Impossible to answer. “Cinderella,” “Beauty and the Beast” and “Lion King” would probably be at the top of the list.

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