I taught for 28 wonderful years and have been retired for 26 years. I am asking for a “yes” vote on Question 2, Stand Up For Children on Nov. 8.

The state of Maine school subsidy has never met the 55 percent level that was voted for many years ago. It is time that the public’s wishes were heard and acted upon. The money to fund Question 2 will come from the richest taxpayers earning more than $200,000 per year, who pay the same rate of income tax as a $40,000 earner. High earners’ taxes have been cut during the past five years.

Most high earners did well in school and now do well in life. I congratulate them. It is time that they pay back for what they have been given. It is time for them to pay forward so others can do well in life.

I hope others will join me in support of Question 2, Stand Up For Children on Nov. 8.

Carl Beckett, Mechanic Falls

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