America is in a mess — morally, financially — and has become divided. Why?

We have a Congress of followers, not leaders. They have allowed President Obama to weaken and tear this country apart. I question if his plan, all along, has been to destroy this country by working with the United Nations to create a one-world government with himself as king.

Obama says this nation has freedom of religion, yet a Navy chaplain was punished for praying “in Jesus’ name.”

Obama has violated the U.S. Constitution many times and has no respect for the nation’s laws. He has lied to the people and broken his oath of office. Congress does nothing.

Members of Congress should take a major cut in pay (about $50,000 each per year). That would help reduce the national debt. Eliminating wasteful government spending would also help. Those reductions should continue until the national debt is paid back and the budget balanced. That action should be incentive for Congress. Now, the only incentive members seem to have is raising their own salaries.

Many men and women have lost their lives for this country. They were patriots. Now, let’s see if members of Congress are patriots. I believe that the typical U.S. citizen would be very grateful and have great respect for a Congress of patriots.

Albert Murch, Greene

Editor’s note: In 2006, former Navy Chaplain Lt. Gordon James Klingenschmitt was convicted by court martial for violating a direct order not to wear his uniform while attending a protest at the White House. While at that protest, in uniform, he offered a prayer in Jesus’ name, in violation of a U.S. Navy order that prayers must be nonsectarian unless offered at a bona fide worship service.

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