Does Lewiston-Auburn need a merger? I feel it is time for deeper questions to be asked.

First, how is it residents voted on charter representatives before people were asked if they even favored consolidation? In the past, when the communities have wanted to do something unique residents saw non-binding referendums to judge support.

Second, despite those who believe money will be saved by consolidation, past efforts have proven that to be misleading. Given the significant cuts both cities have undertaken through the past 10 years, there is likely little left that could be saved and any savings would be greatly overwhelmed by the salaries of those in leadership roles who would have more to manage and would expect additional compensation.

Given each city has multiple unions for specific employees, does anyone believe a union in one city would agree to a compensation package that sacrifices anything, or would want a hybrid of the best pieces of each city’s contract?

Lastly, what will the cost be to change signage, street names from having one city, letterhead and other items? The cost for attorneys and other outside consultants that surely will be needed to guide us through the process?

At the end of the day, Lewiston-Auburn is already one community, the cities share many services and there is no known need for consolidation that would justify a merger.

I was raised in Auburn and now live in Lewiston, having been a member of this community since birth. Nothing will change that.

Robert Reed, Lewiston

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