NEWRY — Residents will decide at a special town meeting Tuesday whether to raise and appropriate an additional $264,000 toward the Sunday River Road project.

The meeting begins at 6 p.m. in the Bear River Grange Hall.

At the annual town meeting on March 8, residents voted to authorize the Board of Selectmen to issue a bond not to exceed $850,000 to pave Sunday River Road from Monkey Brook Road.

Deputy Clerk Kelly Scott said Monday that the project estimate for Sunday River Road is around $1.1 million, an amount higher than the town’s initial estimates.

Scott said the original estimate did not factor in the amount of gravel that would be going on the road, or the fact that the road would need to be raised. She said that an estimate was made before an engineer came in to look at the project.

“The article is asking residents if they wish to raise and appropriate another $264,000, on top of the bond that was approved in March, to cover additional costs,” Scott said.


The money will be raised through taxation.

Scott said that the $850,000 bond that was approved in March will reappear on Tuesday’s warrant.

“It has to go back before the people because there is now a treasurer’s statement where people can see the actual borrowing details,” Scott said.

Residents will also have an opportunity Tuesday to share their thoughts about the Sunday River Road paving project.

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