I write with regard to the June 14 referendum in Lewiston that would combine Martel and Longley school districts, allowing for the continuation of the new school project. It will not only allow for a safer and more comfortable learning environment for students, but will bring a heightened sense of pride and community to Lewiston. It is a necessity, not a luxury.

I urge residents to come out and vote and not ignore that simple, yet powerful right. Our vote is our voice — our way to make this community what we want it to be.

The referendum issue is so significant to the lives of local youth — the leaders of the future — not to mention the fact that if the referendum doesn’t pass, the expense of building onto and repairing the existing buildings will increase local taxes far more than the small local portion of the project. As a local taxpayer, I cringe at the implications of that possibility.

As a mother of elementary school-aged children, a teacher, a member of the new-building committee and a local taxpayer, I am heavily invested in the project. I understand what it would mean to this community if the referendum passes — and the devastation if it doesn’t.

It takes minutes to vote — to bring positive change to the community. Every vote matters.

Annie Arnold, Lewiston

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