FARMINGTON — Franklin Memorial Hospital recently recognized and celebrated Franklin Community Health Network volunteers in the Bass Room.

The program included social time, dinner and entertainment by the clogging group InClogNeatO.

The 75 volunteers in attendance received garden tools and seeds, certificates, service bars and pins in recognition of their volunteer efforts. Twelve attendees won door prizes.

FCHN has 120 volunteers in numerous hospital departments and organizations affiliated with FCHN. Collectively, volunteers contributed 20,014 hours of service this past year. Volunteers can be found greeting patients at the escort desk, parking cars, decorating for special functions, filing, processing orders in shipping and receiving, reminding patients of their appointments and more.

Jodi Cordes, recruitment and volunteer services administrator, gave special recognition to the top 10 contributors this past year. They include Eugene Martineau, Nye Mosher, Francis Slater, Bonnie Slater, Sylvia English, Alvin McDonald, Craig Viotto, Thelma Brown, Pam Yenco and Jean Rand.

In addition to this annual recognition event, volunteers receive skills training, a free holiday turkey, a free flu shot and complimentary meal privileges.

FMI, volunteer: 207-779-2635.

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