RUMFORD — The River Valley Healthy Communities Coalition is participating in the Move and Improve program until May 21, member Barbara Rajaniemi said.

According to its website, Move and Improve is a free community-based program to encourage and empower individuals to engage in a healthier lifestyle through physical activity.

Rajaniemi said the 12-week program involves moderate physical activity for a minimum of eight weeks at a pace that is comfortable for participants. The goals include:

• 30 minutes a day, four days a week;

• 30 minutes a day, five days a week; and

• 60 minutes a day, five days a week.


“The whole idea is to choose a goal that works for you, sign up for the program, and log the physical activity you do,” Rajaniemi said. “You’re not required to do a specific type of exercise. It’s all about exercising for the amount of time your goal states.”

The program began Feb. 28, but Rajaniemi said that the RVHCC is accepting applications until Thursday, March 24.

“If people wish to apply, they can either register at by searching for the River Valley Healthy Communities Coalition team, or by contacting me for a physical application,” Rajaniemi said.

The program ends May 21.

All residents who log their physical activity and meet their goal will be eligible for a prize, Rajaniemi said.

For more information, or to sign up for the program, call Rajaniemi at 207-364-7408, or email her at

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