ANSWER: Sun Spots spoke with Orange Circuit Fitness General Manager Laura and learned that the gym is planning a move to an as-of-yet undisclosed location sometime between now and December 31 when their lease is up at their current location at 600 Turner St. in Auburn. The relocation is in response to member requests for additional parking, access to a fitness studio for classes that need floor space, like aerobics, and extended hours. Laura said the move should provide all of those things and allow the new gym to be open 24 hours.

At their current location, the fitness center had leased two side-by-side suites. The lease for the suite on the left expired on Feb. 29, and the lease for the suite on the right expires Dec. 31. Knowing that the relocation is in the works, Orange Circuit owners opted to not renew the lease of the space they were using on the left, which meant a temporary reduction in the size of the current gym. If members are patient, then Laura assures that they should be pleased with the new location as soon as they are able to complete the transition. As soon as they are able, they will release the address of the new location.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: This is a send-out of a huge thank you to a couple of Lewiston police officers. My friend and I were in the parking lot behind the B-street building recently and my friend fell. Not being able to help her up, I went to the satellite police station next to the parking lot. Officer McKenna and another officer whose name I didn’t notice (sorry!) and another gentleman with them came to our rescue and saved our day.

Officer McKenna checked my friend to make sure she was alright before he allowed us to go on our way. Thank you so very much. We both really appreciate your time and attention. — G.D., Lisbon.

ANSWER: Whatever would we do without the boys (and girls) in blue? That must have been a frightening event. Thank you for sharing your hero experience, and Sun Spots hopes your friend is recovered from her spill. Thank goodness help was nearby.  

DEAR SUN SPOTS: My daughter is very interested in learning about history. If anyone has books on history that they no longer want, I would very much appreciate getting them for her. My phone number is (207) 713-2420. Thank you. — Pat, Lisbon.

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