Recently, Gov. Paul LePage managed to make national news three times: for a crass joke about bringing back the guillotine, for encouraging Mainers to commit murder and for petulantly refusing to deliver the governor’s annual State of the State speech.


LePage has gone on and on about attracting business to Maine, but how can Maine attract entrepreneurs and investment if the state is the backwater laughingstock of the United States? How can the state combat the drug problem with rhetoric that was outdated in 1800? What can Mainers unite behind if LePage will not lead?


LePage speaks often about how important it is that Mainers take personal responsibility for their situation. He tells those at the bottom they have only themselves to blame. Yet, at the same time, he blames everyone else for his ineffective administration, without taking any responsibility for being the cause of his own problems.

It is time for the governor to heed his own advice by taking responsibility for his blunders and learning from them. Maine does not need a demagogue. What is needed is a leader.


Amy Dieterich, Auburn

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