Voters need to be thoughtful and careful when they elect a new president. America doesn’t need an arrogant, crude leader who lacks respect for the dignity of the office of the president — someone who will do or say almost anything to get attention.

This nation doesn’t need an angry president who hates immigrants and Muslims and everyone who disagrees with him.

It does not need someone who will not listen to criticism (because he thinks he is always right) and tries to vilify people such as Megyn Kelly of Fox News, who dared to ask a legitimate question in a debate.

The U.S. does not need a bully who shows no respect for women, or a billionaire who cannot possibly understand the problems of the middle class and cares nothing for the poor, homeless and hungry. The people of this country certainly do not need someone who is sadly uninformed about vital issues.

Supporters of Donald Trump might want to look up “narcissistic personality disorder” and decide whether a person who displays signs of that mental disorder is really presidential material.

Ellen Field, New Gloucester

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