DEAR SUN SPOTS: I can’t find any of the yellow donation boxes. I think they were owned by Do you know what happened to them? Do you know if Lamey Wellehan still takes used running shoes? — No Name via email.
ANSWER: Sun Spots also noticed that some of those yellow donation boxes were not in their usual locations. A search of the company’s website shows the locations of yellow boxes by zip code. Auburn’s zip code of 04210 shows four locations. Sun Spots called one of those businesses and learned that Planet Aid removed all its yellow donation boxes in the state of Maine. Goodwill and Salvation Army have collection boxes in the community.
A visit to Salvation Army’s website shows that you can enter your zip code to find pickup services and drop-off locations in your area. Visit No donation box locations came up for Auburn on Goodwill’s website, but you can drop off items at the store near the Auburn Mall. If you have a lot of items, say leftovers from a garage sale, you can drive right up to the unloading door, and staff will unload your vehicle for you. They are very friendly and helpful.
Lamey Wellehan collects gently worn shoes at any of its stores. The store has collected “well over 10,000 pairs of shoes and boots” according to information on its website at
DEAR SUN SPOTS: I live in New Auburn on the fifth floor. The time has come to turn on the heat. With the unusual warm weather we haven’t had to use it much. Therefore, once in a while, I open my windows to get some air into my apartment. Unfortunately, I find the night air smells very rank. Is there any way that you can find out what causes that awful smell? I appreciate your looking into the matter. — New Auburn resident.
ANSWER: At this time of year there is a lot of decomposing vegetation which creates a bad smell during the decay process. An abundance of moisture or nitrogen and little aeration or oxygen produces anaerobic conditions which can create a smell like sulfur or rotten eggs.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: In response to the inquiry in Saturday’s paper regarding a fiberglass bathtub repairman, Steve Corro of Corro’s Fiberglassing & Refinishing, lives in Auburn and has been doing fiberglass repairs for 37 years. He also refinishes tubs. He can be reached at 207-783-5944 or 207-577-3023; his email address is
DEAR SUN SPOTS: As a Scout leader, years ago I had spoken with someone about touring the Sun Journal press room. I am now a youth worker at New Beginnings and was wondering if I could set up a tour for the youth in the program. These youth are ages 13 and older and there would be six or fewer of them and a staff member. Thank you. — Stephanie via online submission form.
ANSWER: Contact Sheri in our marketing department at 207-689-2903.
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