DEAR SUN SPOTS: The couple looking for health insurance information might also call their local Seniors Plus office to see if they can help, or the statewide 2-1-1 helpline to see if any agency can help with comparison shopping. These resources may make it easier to compare plans before making direct contact with insurance companies! Later, when they are eligible for Medicare, Seniors Plus can help compare and select their supplemental Part D insurance. — Pat via online submission form.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: For the couple looking for health insurance in Farmington, I would like to suggest the senior planning center in the Mt. Blue Plaza. My father needed health insurance and they were very professional and very helpful. Anthony Arruda and his team worked very hard with us to find the best option for him. Their phone number is 207-778-6601. — Maggie via email.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I have been watching Channel 8 for 10 years. I really like that newscast. On the weekends, there is an A. J. Waterman who does the weather report. He does very well. I was wondering, what happened to Sarah Long? She visits with area schools and talks to kids about the weather and what it’s like to be a meteorologist. — C. G. in Lewiston.

ANSWER: As far as Sun Spots is able to discern, Sarah Long is still a meteorologist on WMTW Channel 8. Maybe she is on during a time slot that you don’t watch. Just recently she hosted the tree lighting in Monument Square in Portland and she was introduced as meteorologist Sarah Long of WMTW Channel 8.

HI SUN SPOTS: Our son has stage 3 cirrhosis of the liver caused by a fatty tumor. Could you explain that to us? Is it just going to keep getting worse? Also, on a lighter note, I am trying to find round, 4- to 4-1/2-inch timed candles to put in lanterns that I have. I read your column every day and it is very helpful. — No Name, No Town.

ANSWER: Sun Spots went to the American Liver Foundation to research your question. “The liver performs many jobs in your body. It processes what you eat and drink into energy and nutrients your body can use.


The liver also removes harmful substances from your blood.” You didn’t say if your son’s cirrhosis is alcohol related. The AFL states: “Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the build up of extra fat in liver cells that is not caused by alcohol. It is normal for the liver to contain some fat.

However, if more than 5-10 percent of the liver’s weight is fat, then it is called a fatty liver (steatosis).” As for treatment, “There are no medical treatments yet for NAFLD. Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly may help prevent liver damage from starting or reverse it in the early stages.” Other tips include:

* See a doctor who specializes in the liver regularly

* Talk to your doctor about ways to improve your liver health

* Lose weight, if you are overweight or obese

* Lower your cholesterol and triglycerides


* Control your diabetes

* Avoid alcohol.

Walmart has 4-inch battery-operated candles, but Sun Spots didn’t notice any that are timed.

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