MECHANIC FALLS — Closing the Mechanic Falls Historical Society’s headquarters for the winter will affect insurance coverage on the building, Town Manager Koriene Low told the town council on Monday.

Due to fact that the historical society lacks the funds to pay for heating the former Congregational Church building on Elm Street, officials made the decision to drain waterlines and close the building during the heart of winter.

Low said that under full coverage, when the building open and in use, the building is insured for replacement value. However, once the building is closed and water and heat are turned off, insurance will only cover the current value of the property.

The matter of insurance having been brought up, Councilor Cathy Fifield questioned whether the historical society’s collection was insured.

“Probably an appraiser should be brought in and the items should be photographed and cataloged,” Fifield said.

Low agreed to look into whether the collection was insured and, if not, to find out if it can be insured.


Low also reported that the town failed to secure a grant to assist the group of citizens who want to establish a dog park in town.

Low said the group, which has raised about $1,700 to date, would need about $6,000 the first year in order to get the dog park up and running. Fencing alone would cost about $3,000.

“The group needs to find more members to enhance their abilities to fundraise and reach their goal,” Low said.

The group is considering the town’s old dump site on Walker Road as a possible location, Low said, and contact has been made with the Department of Environmental Protection to have the site reviewed for a such a use.

“The DEP has noted that this not the first time a closed dump site has been reused for this purpose,” Low added.

In other business, the council accepted the annual audit of town funds for 2015 as presented to it last month; approved the Mechanic Falls Water Department budget for the ensuing year, as presented last week; and approved the library trustees endorsement of Georgia Randall and Elizabeth Yates to fill empty seats the board of library trustees, pending the usual backgound checks.

Low also reported that the paving projects for Mitchell and Water streets, and Third Avenue are complete; and that FEMA has completed its review of the Lane Road culvert improvement project and, having viewed video taken of how water was handled during September’s heavy rainstorm, “is very satisfied with the outcome.”

The council also approve closing the town office at 11:30 a.m. on Dec. 23rd 24th and 31st as well as on Dec. 25, all day. The Library and Transfer Station will also be closed at these times and dates.

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