Residents of Lewiston should wake up and inquire about the race for Lewiston’s mayor. People should question why the socialist-liberal candidate, Ben Chin, has such a large campaign “war chest,” of $63,000 or so, just for a mayoral race.

If elected, I believe he is going to make Lewiston the welfare city of Maine. Taxes will go up. Seniors, such as myself, cannot afford higher taxes. Those on Social Security will not get a raise in benefits this year, but food and medication costs are going up almost daily.

The special-interest group backing Chin is doing so to get a foot in the door. I don’t know what its plan is, but I believe there must be a catch. I don’t trust the Chin campaign or his socialist-liberal friends. They have bought him with their money.

I urge residents to vote for Robert Macdonald. He is honest and hard-working.

Gerard Roy, Lewiston

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