The city of Lewiston is at an important crossroad. Voters can decide to take the high road or the low road.

Take the high road to promote economic prosperity for all, or the low road. I have had enough with all the negative rhetoric about our residents.

Local taxes pay to run the city government, including schools, police and fire protection, water, sewerage and streets. It also pays for economic development.

That job has to overcome all the negatives that are being said and written about the city. Lewiston needs good-paying jobs to improve the economy, which will help reduce welfare.

For a positive change, Lewiston needs to reset its image for the economy to grow and provide prosperity for all Lewiston residents. Lewiston needs leadership that focuses on all the positives the city has to offer.

I will be voting for Benjamin “Ben” Chin.

Richard Grandmaison, Lewiston

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