While Bob Casimiro would lead people to believe in his Nov. 15 letter to the editor (wrongly attacking Sen. Angus King) that the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act is cut and dry — it’s anything but.

First, the bill would not only force local police to detain all persons of interest (without warrant), but it would also then force the local community to foot the bill for it. Talk about an unfunded mandate from Washington.

Second, the bill would strip local police of their ability to make the decisions they think are best. Local police know more about protecting their communities than some official behind a desk in Washington, a fact I saw often when I was chief of Lewiston police.

Instead of attacking people and laying blame, the best way to solve this problem — the common-sense way — is for Congress to step up and pass real, comprehensive immigration reform, like what Sens. King and Susan Collins supported in the last Congress. That bill took real steps to secure the border and prevent people from entering this country illegally.

Casimiro might have people believe that’s “bluster,” but it’s not. It’s real leadership.

Bluster is writing a letter to the editor spreading misinformation about a bill that would hurt communities more than help them, and then attack Sen. King for making the right decision.

Maine people should be proud of King’s decision, and we all should step up and call on Congress to pass immigration reform — the true solution to the problem.

Larry Gilbert Sr., Lewiston

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