WOODSTOCK — The Board of Selectmen voted Tuesday evening to award a $5,600 contract to Cross Excavation of Bethel to plow Billings Hill Road this winter.

Town Manager Vern Maxfield told selectmen it was the only bid received.

Selectman Mike Nadeau said Cross Excavation “does good, quality work. I would accept this bid.”

Board of Selectmen Chairman Ron Deegan said he has personally seen the work the company does and agreed the board should accept the bid.

Billings Hill Road is off Route 232.

In other business, Maxfield told the board that the town “officially owned” all of Outlook Road off Route 26. The dead-end road has houses along it. 


In October 2008, developer Lloyd Poland of Oxford approached the town about accepting the first mile of Outlook Road as a public way. Voters agreed and Poland said he would return to town officials when the rest of the road was built. On Aug. 18 residents voted to accept the last section.

“Today, we received the deed from Poland, so it’s official: we own the road,” Maxfield said. “It’s in our name, so the process is officially over.”

Maxfield also announced that the Woodstock Fire Department’s new pumper-tanker firetruck had been delivered. Residents voted in May to approve the 350-horsepower Freightliner from Midwest Fire Co. in Luverne, Minn., for $218,994.


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