Question 1 asks voters to approve a measure that would triple the amount of tax dollars that could be given to candidates who file as a “clean candidate.” That is not a good choice when medical services for truly needy people were denied this past year because of lack of funds. The possible cost of implementing the measure could reach more than $8 million.

I have to wonder, why are groups from away that thrive on big money in politics promoting Question 1 as a way to take big money out of politics? And why should public tax dollars be used to help elect people individuals might not agree with?

The transparency that proponents are promising the public is a myth.

A candidate of character pays his way and reveals the sources of his donations.

Question 1 is simply welfare for politicians and many elected officials do not agree with the proposed increase.

I am voting “no” on Question 1.

Marge Ripley, Paris

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