ANSWER: The Auburn Rifle Club and the Androscoggin County Fish and Game Association will hold a Hunters’ Sighting-in Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 25, at 476 Perkins Ridge Road in Auburn. This is a service to the community and offered at no cost. Experienced shooters and a professional gunsmith will assist. Targets are provided. For more information, visit

DEAR SUN SPOTS: A friend told me that one of the local libraries is hosting storyteller Lilly Huang from Wei-Li restaurant in Auburn. What is that about and when are these events? Thank you. — Culture seeker in Auburn.

ANSWER: The Auburn Public Library on Spring Street has partnered with Yu Li Huang (Lilly Huang) from Wei-Li restaurant in Auburn to offer a four-week story time in English and Chinese from 5-5:30 p.m. Mondays, (remaining dates are Oct. 26 and Nov. 2), in the Maggie Trafton program room. You can learn some Chinese words and phrases and a bit about the Chinese culture. This program is free and all are welcome. For more information, email Lilly at

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Is there a breastfeeding support group in the Rumford area? — New mom in Rumford.

ANSWER: The breastfeeding support group BEST which stands for B = Breastfeeding E = Education and S = Sharing T = Time, is a free support group that offers an opportunity to meet other new breastfeeding mothers in your community, share experiences with other new moms, and receive postpartum and newborn care information and support. This group is facilitated by local midwife Heather Carmody and her assistant Rebecca Morton. No fee or registration is required. The group meets from 10 a.m. to noon every Monday at Madre Sana, 767 River Road in Mexico. Nursing babies are welcome. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information, contact or 207-265-6599.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I am interested in genealogy and wonder where in the Norway area one can go to do some research? Thank you. — Family tree seeker.


ANSWER: In addition to the Norway public library, this genealogy-related event may be of interest to you and other genealogy buffs. At 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 27, Pat Shearman will speak to the Hebron Historical Society on the modernized access to the Oxford County Registry of Deeds. Register of Probate Jennifer Dilworth will speak on research genealogy. This event will take place at the Town Office, 351 Paris Road in Hebron. The public is invited.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: You’ve published information about quilting, sewing and knitting classes in the past. Are there any quilting classes in the Monmouth area? — Loves quilting in Maine.

ANSWER: Yes! From 5-7 p.m. on Tuesday nights, the Fall Quilting Class meets at the Packard Activity Center in the basement of the United Church, 778 Main St. in Monmouth. All are welcome to work on the patterns selected for the class which are the Disappearing 9-Patch and variations, and Migrating Geese. For more information, call Nancy Ludewig at 207-441-7071 or email

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