After reading Sen. Dawn Hill’s and Rep. Sara Gideon’s guest column, “Extremist agenda erodes access” in the Sun Journal (Oct 11), I truly wonder how any rational person can support the Democratic Party. The headline  led me to believe that people who oppose abortions want to rob women of health care.

Please explain to me how taking the life of a human being is health care?

Can we really put cancer screenings and the taking of innocent life on the same level?

I plead with those who approve of such barbaric acts to search your hearts, and ask yourselves if the 50 million innocent children killed in this country since 1973 is health care? Is it really OK? Is it morally right?

The answer has to be no. If not, what kind of people have we become ?

Almighty God chose to make mankind the pinnacle of his creation. Life itself is a gift from God, and those who seek him with all their hearts will find him (Jeremiah 29:13). The Lord is compassionate and gracious, waiting to forgive sins, and heal broken hearts. Real health care upholds, protects and defends life.

People can make the right choice and choose life.

Mark Beaudoin, Hanover

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