The website at needs our help in finding photos of these Vietnam vets from Androscoggin, Franklin and Oxford counties who lost their lives in the war: Harold E. Walker, Jr. of Auburn; Harold G. Breton of Lewiston; Normand C. Deschaine of Lewiston; Roland P. Guerette of Lewiston; Morris D. Gagnon of North Leeds; David A. Lane of Jay; Gary O. Manchester of Farmington; James A. McKechnie; Roger P. Gallant of Mexico; Chester L. Hopkins of West Paris; Neil H. MacKillop of Bryant Pond; Laurence A. Millett of Norway; and George R. Reynolds, Jr. of Paris.

Photos can be accepted in numerous ways. They can be uploaded directly to VVMF’s website or a printed copy can be mailed to the VVMF office. Photos also can be brought to any visit of VVMF’s traveling replica of The Wall, The Wall That Heals, to be scanned for upload into the Wall of Faces. For more information on how to submit a photo or to find out when The Wall will be visiting your area, email VVMF at

Photos can be emailed directly to me at I am one of the volunteers working with the VVMF to help collect these photos. You can also contact George DeCastro by email at at the VVMF for additional information. Thank you for anything you can do. We don’t want any of these heroes forgotten. — David L. Hine, USAF – Retired.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Thank you for the service you provide to the area. What would we all do without it? I have to give away to a charitable group very many tubes of macrame cord in assorted colors and also very many crochet cotton spools. I have crafted for many years and am no longer able to. These items would have to be picked up. I can give directions to my home to make it very easy to find. Thank you. — Call Alvina M. in Topsham at 207-725-2606.

HELLO SUN SPOTS: I was taking pictures of the blood moon two weeks ago, and as the camera flashed, an object I did not see until reviewing the pictures, passed by, and my camera captured the image. This object was quite large, round with an aura around edges. You can see craterlike objects on surface of it. I am writing to see if you can help me find a person who might be able to identify this very strange object. Thank you. — No Name at 207-782-4989.

ANSWER: Roen Kelly in Astronomy magazine shared a graphic of the night sky during the blood moon on Sept. 27, 2015, showing the totally eclipsed moon in the constellation of southern Pisces the Fish, below the Great Square of Pegasus. In 2014, someone else noted that Mars could be seen in the blood moon sky. Perhaps it was one of these constellations or planet in your image.

Charlie Sawyer, an amateur astronomer in Pembroke, Maine, was profiled in an article by the Bangor Daily News this summer. He established the Downeast Amateur Astronomers club and built an observatory at his home. He can be reached at

Use the QR code to go to Sun Spots online for additional information and links. This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can be emailed to, tweeted @SJ_SunSpots or posted on the Sun Spots facebook page at This column can also be read online at We’ve joined Pinterest at

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