FRANKLIN COUNTY — The following is the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department weekly report for Oct. 2-9, 2015. Deputies responded to 276 calls for service during this period.

10/2/2015: Corporal Bean responded to a 911 hang-up complaint on the River Road in Avon. It was determined to be an accidental.

10/2/2015: Deputy Zecher responded to the Pit Road in Carthage regarding an ongoing complaint of trespassing there.

10/2/2015: Deputy Zecher investigated a harassment complaint on Mile Hill Road in New Sharon. The complainant claimed she was being harassed by her ex-boyfriend.

10/2/2015: Deputy Zecher responded to the Norton Hill Rd in Strong for a car vs. deer accident. The deer died at the scene.

10/2/2015: Deputy Zecher responded to the Industry Road in Industry regarding a noise complaint. The complainant claimed a neighbor was playing music too loud.


10/2/2015: Corporal Bean responded to Clearwater Rd in New Sharon regarding a report of a disturbance resulting in injury. It was determined that there was no disturbance and that the injury was accidental.

10/3/2015: Corporal Bean investigated a noise complaint on Avon Valley Road in Avon. A man was warned for running his generator after midnight.

10/3/2015: Corporal Bean assisted Farmington PD with a traffic stop on the Fairbanks Road in Farmington.

10/3/2015: Corporal Bean and Deputy Zecher responded to East Shore Drive in Chesterville regarding a complaint of excessive gunfire. It was determined that the people shooting were doing so legally and safely.

10/3/2015: Deputy Hartley responded to a disturbance call on Zion’s Hill Road in Chesterville to remove a couple from a residence.

10/4/2015: Deputy Morgan responded to Salem Road in Phillips for an accident that occurred at a residence.


10/4/2015: Deputy Hartley investigated a harassment complaint on East Madrid Road in Madrid.

10/4/2015: Deputy Hartley responded to the Prairie Road in Salem regarding a burglary. An elderly man left his home to go to Wal-Mart. Upon his return he had cash stolen from his residence and a passport.

10/5/2015: Deputy Hartley assisted a Somerset SO Deputy who was looking for a person who had fled from him.

10/5/2015: Deputy Hartley investigated a report of a gas drive off complaint at Annie’s Market in Kingfield.

10/5/2015: Deputy Hartley responded to a car vs. moose accident on Main Street in Sandy River Plt.

10/5/2015: Deputy Morgan responded to a domestic disturbance call on Wheeler Hill Road in Phillips regarding a complaint from a woman who claims her husband “doesn’t pay bills and is a bad husband”. She was advised to seek an attorney. No charges were filed.


10/6/2015: Chief Deputy Lowell investigated a harassment complaint on Montfort Drive in Strong.

10/6/2015: Deputy Brann investigated a report of violation of protection order on Wheeler Hill Road in Phillips.

10/6/2015: Detective Ken Charles arrested Dennis McCann (23) on a warrant in Strong.

10/6/2015: Deputy Zecher responded to Blanchard Avenue in Eustis regarding a report of unknown persons banging on the exterior of the complainant’s residence at night.

10/6/2015: Deputy Scovil and Deputy Brann responded to Wheeler Hill Road in Phillips and arrested Casey Horton (31) of Phillips for violation of Conditions of Release Class E.

10/7/2015: In case of luck and great observation by local residents in Rangeley, a 15-year old girl from Grand Valley, Penn. who had been reported missing since Sept. 29th and was reported to be in the company of a Kyle Bedow, 18, also of Grand Valley, was located in Rangeley by Deputy Sandy Burke.


Events unfolded on Wednesday when Charles Brad Stokes, an insurance agent in Oquossoc, had been talking with his wife who works at local restaurant in Oquossoc. During their discussion both of them had contact over the past 24 hours with the young couple in the area.

It appeared that the stories that the couple told to both parties on separate occasions did not match, however, their descriptions did. Having a name available, they searched the web and came across two news articles in Pennsylvania that described how a 15-year old girl named Reagan Chase of Grand Valley had been reported missing in the company of Kyle Bedow, 18, also of Grand Valley Pennsylvania since September 29th. Pennsylvania State Police were investigating and had two warrants out for the arrest of Bedow. With this information Stokes called Franklin County Dispatch to inform of what he and his wife had discovered.

Dispatchers (Blaine Rackliffe and Kyle Ellis) immediately ran checks on Bedow to confirm that the warrants did exist. The dispatchers were informed that Bedow had his Mercury Marquis parked at Koob’s Garage in Oquossoc and were currently driving around in a rental unit (Ford Taurus). Once dispatchers had determined what type of vehicle the couple was, in they placed a police bulletin out.

Deputy Burke was on Main Street in Rangeley when the call was placed and immediately found the car. Burke conducted a traffic stop, placed Bedow under arrest and took Chase into protective custody.

Sheriff Nichols credits great communication and caring between Mr. and Mrs. Stokes of Oquossoc, County Communication personnel and Deputy Burke for ending this nine-day ordeal. The case is still under investigation by Lt. David St. Laurent of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office. Additional charges against Bedow may be pending in Maine from information obtained by Lt. St. Laurent. Because the crime involves interstate travel the Maine State Police have been called in to assist with the investigation.

10/7/2015: Deputy Scovil responded to a car vs. moose accident on Route 16 in Lang Twp. The moose died at the scene, and reportable damage was done to the vehicle.


10/7/2015: Deputy Zecher removed a dead deer on Route 4 in Strong which had recently been hit by a vehicle but the driver of the vehicle did not stop.

10/7/2015: Lt. Rackliffe responded to Wilton PD’s request for a K-9 (K-9 Justice) to conduct a drug search at a trailer park in Wilton.

10/7/2015: Deputy Hartley and Chief Deputy Lowell responded to Route 27 in Wyman Twp. regarding a report of a motorcycle accident which occurred at 1500 hrs. The motorcycle (2012 Kawasaki) was traveling south bound being driven by Sandi McAlpine (45) of Jay when her passenger Petrah Jacques (38) of Livermore Falls fell off the rear of the bike hitting the roadway causing her to briefly lose consciousness.

First responders from Eustis and Northstar also responded to the scene. The victim was transported to FMH for evaluation.

10/8/2015: Deputy Zecher responded to High Street in Kingfield regarding a report of a suspicious male outside of the complainant’s home. A search of the area did not turn up the suspect. The male was described as being 5’9“ to 5”10” in his mid-thirties wearing a black hoodie.

Deputies conducted 53 building checks during this time period and found all secure. Deputies also conducted eight elder checks.

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