AUGUSTA — Two Republican lawmakers want the state to investigate Healthy Maine Partnership’s finances.

According to Maine Public Broadcasting Network, Rep. Jeffrey Timberlake of Turner and Sen. Garrett Mason of Lisbon Falls want the Government Oversight Committee to conduct a formal review.

Healthy Maine Partnerships is a network of community health organizations throughout the state that addresses tobacco and other health problems in the community. It is funded by a 1998 landmark tobacco settlement agreement with major cigarette makers and a tobacco tax.

“We should know how much of that money is actually getting to the end user and how much is being used to pay for salaries,” Timberlake told MPBN. “And that’s the biggest reason. It’s a lot of money.”

Republican Sen. Roger Katz of Augusta co-chairs the Government Oversight Committee and told MPBN the committee will consider the request. But he doubts they will get to it in October, according to MPBN.

Neither Timberlake nor Mason alleged there were any improprieties, but they thought taxpayers should know how the money was spent, according to MPBN.

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