MINOT — Selectmen learned Monday night that the Recreation Committee can complete work on the Minot Community Park’s final multipurpose field this month.

Committee representative Candace Gilpatric told the board the field is ready to be hydroseeded and she received authorization to get three quotes for the work. When she receives the quotes, Town Administrator Arlan Saunders can poll the board for final approval.

The intent is for the work to be done by the end of the month so the field might be ready for use next fall.

Gilpatric also said Modern Woodmen of America has agreed to match the committee’s fundraising for the seeding, dollar for dollar, up to $2,500.

Gilpatric said the Recreation Committee is raising the local share by “selling” the sponsorship of 10- by 20-foot squares for a donation of $5 per square to anyone willing to help the cause.

“Where else can you be guaranteed to double your money and forever watch it — and your plot of grass — grow?” Gilpatric asked in reference to the matching donation.


Donations can be made at any of the Minot-Hebron Athletic Association soccer events, or checks may be made out to the town of Minot and mailed to the Recreation Committee, care of the Town Office.

In other business, Saunders reported that the Goodwin Road and the Verrill Road culvert projects are completed and closeout forms have been submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The Goodwin Road project, due to a design change, was about $10,000 under budget and the Verrill Road project, which involved placing two 5-foot diameter culverts, came in just about on budget, Saunders said.

Saunders also noted that the town received a $2,648 dividend check from the Maine Municipal Association because of its good loss experience and loss prevention programs associated with its property casualty and workers’ compensation policies.

The town also received $14,244 as reimbursement from the Federal Emergency Management Agency for extraordinary expenses associated with the mid-January storm. Saunders said the money will help put up this year’s sand pile.

He reported that two of the four signs that had been stolen recently have been found and returned.

The Grange Avenue/Route 124 “Welcome to Minot” sign and the stop sign stolen from Jackass Annie Road were recovered. Street signs for Goodwin and Jackass Annie roads remain missing.

Board of Selectmen Chairman Steve French said the board’s receipt of a letter from Delbert Mason, president of the Androscoggin County Employees Association detailing the amounts of money county commissioners have expended on some of its legal cases against the association.

Selectmen said it appeared commissioners spent a great deal of money fighting losing causes and questioned whether commissioners had been acting in the taxpayers’ best interests.

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