LIVERMORE — The Board of Selectpersons voted unanimously Monday to accept a bid from Maurais & Son Inc. of Jay to replace the furnace at the town garage.

Two bids were received from the Jay company. One was to replace the oil furnace with a 30-foot 100,000 BTU infrared heater for $4,823.91. The second bid was for a 40-foot 150,000 BTU infrared heater for $5,023.91.

Murray Oil & Propane Services of Turner submitted a bid for a Modine HDS sealed combustion Model 125 HDS 125,000 BTU heater, digital nonprogrammable thermostat and Modine vent kit for $3,953.

Two weeks ago, the board tabled making a decision until more information could be obtained. All three units use propane gas. Selectman Mark Chretien said at the time that he was concerned with the efficiencies of the various units. He wanted to know what the fuel costs for each system would be.

Between the two meetings, Chretien spoke with several manufacturers. No one he spoke with could provide information on fuel use.

Chretien was told the infrared system heats all objects in the area, including the slab floor.


“It will keep the garage warmer,” Chretien said. He also said the infrared system would save electricity and is a little better system.

Selectman Tom Gould said he was told the infrared system is quicker and more efficient for small buildings.

“It is a bit more efficient for what we would be using it for,” he said.

“Another advantage of the infrared system is that we can get a truck in the other bay,” Administrative Assistant Carrie Castonguay said.

The larger infrared system would be ceiling-mounted with a tube extending down each side of the garage, eliminating the box that hangs over the second bay.

Gould said the only drawback he heard was that the surface temperatures on the infrared system gets hot and could be a potential fire risk.

Chretien said the 40-foot unit would run for shorter periods of time.

The board voted to accept the Maurais & Son Inc. bid for the larger infrared system.

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