DEAR SUN SPOTS: A yard sale was held Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 15-16, at 75 Garfield Road in Auburn. Unfortunately, a family heirloom was sold by mistake. It was a linen tablecloth with a design of blue roosters. It would be greatly appreciated if this item could be returned and we will refund your money. Thank you so much. Please call 207-786-2971. — Ann S.
RESPONSE: Good luck in having your tablecloth returned, Ann. Let Sun Spots know if you hear from the person who bought it from you at the yard sale.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: Thank you for helping me over the years. Recently, at my son’s camp at Lake St. George in Liberty, Maine, one of his neighbors was visiting us, from Maryland. He knew I served in the U.S. Coast Guard many years ago. He asked me what state had the most lighthouses. I said I think Maine must be close to it. He told us Michigan has the most lighthouses. Who is correct? Hope you can help us. — John K., Augusta
ANSWER: Sun Spots also thought the correct answer would be Maine since Maine is a seacoast state and although Michigan is surrounded by the Great Lakes, it is an inland state. But all sources state that Michigan has the most lighthouses of any state with over 150 past and present lights. In contrast, sources state that Maine has anywhere from 57 to 70 lighthouses spread out along its coast. Thank you for the magazine about Maine lighthouses.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Canton Baptist Church had a one-day yard sale and we are now looking for an organization or individual to take what we did not sell. Anyone interested can call me at 207-597-2272 to make arrangements for pick up.
I am also wondering if any of your readers may have a recipe for “Dutch Salad Relish”? My grandmother made this and it was my favorite and I’ve lost the recipe. Thank you. — D. Hebert via mail.
ANSWER: In addition to recipes sent in by readers, Sun Spots found multiple sources for this recipe. Some recipes were simply called Dutch Relish and others Dutch Salad Relish. One recipe noted that this relish is sometimes called Chow Chow. Sun Spots hopes this is the recipe you were seeking. It sounds delicious!
Dutch (Salad) Relish
1 quart of onions
2 quarts of green tomatoes
1 quart cucumber, some recipes called for the cucumbers to be peeled
1 cauliflower
1 bunch celery, one recipe called for leaves to be included
2 green peppers
1 red pepper
Coarsely chop all vegetables; put them in a large pot with 1 Cup of salt and enough water to cover well. Cook on medium to high until all veggies are soft. Drain and rinse in cold water. In another pan, mix the dressing:
5 cups of sugar
1 Cup of flour
6 Tablespoons dried mustard
1 Tbsp. turmeric
1 quart water
1 quart vinegar.
Cook over medium, stirring often until thick. Add vegetables and mix well. Pour into pre-sterilized canning jars, leaving one-fourth inch headroom; wipe rims, add lids, hand tighten rings and boil in water bath for 15 minutes. Cool, check seals.
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