I write in response to Luke Jensen’s guest column, printed in the Sun Journal on July 26. The headline read, “LePage’s methods are messy, but he gets the job done.”

After reading the column, I found myself trying to determine how Gov. Paul LePage got the “job done.”

Jensen’s comments were focused on the issues the governor wanted but couldn’t get because of the Democrats in the Legislature. But Jensen turned a blind eye to the facts regarding how a democracy works — it is designed to serve the majority, not at the will of a demigod (in this case, Gov. LePage).

The elected Legislature overturned many of the governor’s vetoes. Jensen should keep in mind that they represent both political parties.

Maybe the governor thinks he is still working at Marden’s, where he could decide who should and who would work. When he uses his elected office to determine who can hold a job, that is imperialism and he wasn’t elected to that office.

Jensen, like Gov. LePage, didn’t “get the job done.”

Norman Smith, Poland

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