It is definitely time for a change in city government. Lewiston residents should be thinking that when they vote for a city councilor and mayor this fall. They should vote for someone who cares about the citizens and the ever-increasing tax burden.

Lewiston is not big enough to sustain the status quo any longer. The present city councilors are way too gullible to what staff tells them. They should not be re-elected.

Salaries are much too high for a city on the verge of collapse. Councilors keep squandering the money and taxpayers are forced to keep paying.

All city management personnel should be taxpayers of Lewiston. That way, every dollar they spend would affect their taxes.

It is time for a complete change in city government if residents want to save what is left of Lewiston.

This is not the Lewiston I grew up in.

Bob Pelletier, Lewiston

Editor’s note: Lewiston city government’s Standard and Poor’s long-term bond rating was AA- in 2014, which is at the low end of “high grade,” and an indication of “very strong” capacity to meet its financial commitments.

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